Sunday, June 3, 2007


Relaksasi. although stress can not be called also as disease, effect stress very influence well-being final also can cause disease. practically, we not always avoid stress. try to recognize several things that can triggers stress and take step to overcome it. for example, when do we often felt stress because always do task or white-collar moment approach date time, try to regulate time-table so that can do job since far day.

relaksasi also feeled as one of the effective manner to overcomes stress. relaksasi useful to demote degree adrenalin, delay breath, tranquilize heart, demote blood pressure, decrease tension body muscle, and cause to return system body so that stronger moment face disease.

study manner relaks also very good for develop ability keeps he moment face difficulty. posed always relaks and calm will make us more will hold alive rein. and very good when relaksasi is not meant to melari self from problem, but to prepare to return body, idea, with way of thinking so that fresher and make provision against challenge in life. this will train self so that can efficienter moment face problem in other time for long time.

meditation teaches that human natural condition in a state of calm. all techniques in also aim to creat placidity. in fifth meditation principle, mentioned that, asana (meditation posture) be kind processes body mediatif, done according to slowly with escorted respiration Dhiirga Swasam. more in breath will influence heart tick will be slower and give pleasant taste and peaceful. besides, breath in also will see more many oxygens to brain that will give calm taste in idea.

several has effect that tranquilize with movement that depress direct gland adrenal, will stabilize production adrenalin to blood stream. posture that meant kind sits and buckling up at in front of. besides, balance posture gives placidity moment stand balance with one foot and quiet permanent, posture inverse give calm taste with channels blood stream to heart and brain, posture roll spinal column gives placidity with purify system nerve and cause the loss of strains in back and waist, posture restorative and savasana tranquilize by give time to take a rest in body. even, position stands and open that breast to increase strength and courage even also permanent give calm taste by strengthens heart, heat body, and give calm taste after it.

savasana be posture most liked in hatha meditation, even feeled sebagi one of [the] technique most give benefit in meditation. savasana done by the end of meditation session and body likes to composed to return information codes that accepted moment do asana. savasana very useful to poise to return left brain activity and right, launch blood stream, rejuvenate body, take outside endorphin, decrease strains, and of course give placidity.

regulate balance in pattern eats and life style everyday also play important role in creat placidity. in ayurveda said that found three unsure at universe, that is sattvic (pure), rajasic (tanggu), and tamasic (broken). in choose food-stuff, choose food that belong to in unsure sattvic, will bring idea, body, with way of thinking stays in condition sattvic (pure) also.

meditated to be one technique very effective to purify idea. the principle aware permanent in one points focus and doesn't cracking to another points so that self, idea, and points focus melt to grow into one, aim up at enlightenment and self realization.

meditation will be one complete system that will give placidity and pacification comprehensive. not only physical calm and relaks, idea, way of thinking, and spiritual also stay in condition relaks.

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