Sunday, June 3, 2007

5 principles in yoga

  • Practise consecutively

Yoga posture (asana) helps to stretch and build muscle, with strengthen bone and flex hinge. Asana menstimulasi expenditure hormone endorphin, the feel good hormone, creat pleasant taste in body.

  • Breathe in

Breathe in Dhiirga Swasam (full yoga respiration technique) increase lung capacity so that process breathes to be optimaler. Respiration techniques in Pranayama also help to strengthen internal body organ, increase control emotion, and give sensation relaks that deepen.

  • Pattern eats balance

Pattern eats balance and will well increase immunity (power holds body, launch digestion natural process, increase well-being as a whole, and tranquilize mind.

  • Take a rest enough

Watch over rythm balance between work and will take defend body in a state of always prima from time to time. Will take in Savannah (corpse posture) having taken ste Asana increase pleasant taste and relaks in body, launch blood circulation, and return body condition in stable condition.

  • Think positive and Meditated

Practise Asana that espoused Pranayama and meditation will purify mind from mind and emotion negative, with increase self confidence taste. Meditation will guide mind to be more in step into self realization that be highest aim in practises yoga.

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