Sunday, August 12, 2007

Identified Stress

Stress can influence behaviour, emotion, and physical. Follow sign that somebody middle experience stress.

1. Behaviour

  • Smoke or drink alcoholic drink redundantly
  • Desire eats to lost or eat redundantly
  • Avoid socialization

2. Emotion

  • Thin-skinned and angry because reason ill defined
  • Difficult take decision
  • Difficult consentrate
  • Easy cry, depression and lose sense of humor

3. Physical

  • Often tired
  • Difficult sleep
  • Careless
  • Ill muscle
  • Headache and back
  • Has problem with skin
  • High blood pressure
  • Panic
  • Difficult breathe, among others out of breath, asthma, and short breath
  • Digestion disturbance, like diarrhea or konstipasi.

Effect Stress

Effect Stress. Although can at make tool to test way of thinking and make us quicker and effective, stress that let long-drawn-out also very dangerous for well-being because will influence physical, emotion, and spiritual with botch self placidity as a whole.

In 1950-an, a doctor america origin nameds Hans Selye identify there 3 stages moment human merespons stress:

1. Warning Stage.

Stressor bichemistry reaction trigger will named response" face or run" . Finally, hormone stress at free to blood stream and cause phenomenon likes blood pressure and heart tick increases, blood sugar degree and cholesterol increases, gout breath and narrow, hard body muscle, system disturbed digestion, body invulnerability decreaseds, and emotion increases.

2. Adaptation Stage

Moment cause stress faced and overcome, body work function will return normal. But, when does cause stress that let long-drawn-out, body accustomed to phenomenons. Although impressing body returns to normal stage, actually body will use energy reservist on a large scale final will influence body efficiency, cause tired easy, thin-skinned, and lackluster.

3. Satisfied Stage

Stress long-range will cause saturation and change balance hormone body. Body invulnerability will decreased, slow metabolism, and body ability to repair cells that broken to decreased. This condition will cause body process will be old quicker, fast body heavy enhanced, and easy attacked disease.


Stress. Be human natural tendency to stay in condition relaks. Everybody hanker after it. Since in mother pregnancy, we have learnt to how likely pleasant and protected. Even we still to remember to how the beautiful pleasant taste in childhood. What a pity, along with age increase, we are more forget manner creats pleasant taste for our self. Only a little between permanent adult can defend pleasant taste. And they are here's people who is known has long age with well-being prima.

Person hankers after conditon relaks caused by strains that botch pacification. More getting old, more and more duty that must at do and more and more also demand that must be filled. Worry, and restless be beginning incidence stress.

Many matters is done, positive good also negative, to oppose stress so that get condition relaks. Several glad ones visit body treatments centres that offered various kinds massage and spa tall valuable, there that canalize strains with practise yoga and or process another body. There that calm stress by gather and relax with the friends every weekend, there also that overcome stress with religious service, by dozens also that overcome stress with shop as much as possible, may even exist self to alcoholic drink and prohibitive medicines. All that done to oppose, calm, even avoid stress.

What is called stress? Stress be that body natural reaction moment danger appears from outside. He is signal, face or run (to fight or to flight) that appear moment stressor (cause stress) begins to approach.

Stressor, up to matters that threaten soul, like traffic accident. Events in life likes to move house, birth, wedding, divorce, and or death, environment problem likes to diet wrong, less sleep, and less sport, also be trigger stress. In general, stress happen because bad habit moment faces difficulty and also because alive pattern indisposed.

Moment face danger, gland adrenal in body will react, and evoke sensation shaped stomachache, then will take hormone adrenalin that pump to blood stream and sent to brain. Then, brain will responsive with will take hormone kortisol later at will know as hormone stress. Degree height kortisol in blood or stress will evoke phenomenon will like body muscle stract, palm sweats, with heart flutters tight.

Several kinds stress be stress which are positive, and stress this type of can be good motivation so that we can to bloom mentally and exceed all limitedness. Stress even can show miracle that amaze for the man who experience it. One of the example story about a bird final can fly moment the predators aim and threaten the soul. They say, moment face stress, body can to work repeatedly harder, mind can to think far stronger, creativeer, sharper, and effective.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Yoga benefit

Yoga benefit. Society interested to study yoga with assortedly background. There that want to get body better, good seen, and also good occupied, the other wants to cause the loss of not pleasant in certain physical part, like backache and waist. There also that wish for yoga to calm discontent and as handle to fill vacancy in life.

Will practise yoga regularly will give big benefit, among others can:

  1. increase endocrine work function (hormonal) in body.
  2. increase blood circulation to entire body cells and brain.
  3. form body posture well builter, with muscle benter and strong.
  4. increase lung capacity moment breathe.
  5. throw away poison from within body (detoksifikasi)
  6. rejuvenate body cells and delay penuaan (body cells are old).
  7. purify centre nerve found at spinal column.
  8. decrease body strains, idea, and way of thinking, with make it stronger moment face stress.
  9. give to chance to meresa relaksasi that deepen.
  10. increase cognizance in environment.
  11. increase self confidence taste and ability to think positive.
  12. mengurangai in well-being problem
  13. help in demote heavy body. when do you want to detect deeper how manner demote heavy body, you can open http: //Lets-Diet. blogspot. com

A watchfulness finds that after practise routine Asana, Pranayama, relaksasi, and meditation in six-month range of time, there lung capacity dramatic enhanced, ability in overcome stress, with body heavy depreciation, cholesterol level, and blood sugar.

5 principles in yoga

  • Practise consecutively

Yoga posture (asana) helps to stretch and build muscle, with strengthen bone and flex hinge. Asana menstimulasi expenditure hormone endorphin, the feel good hormone, creat pleasant taste in body.

  • Breathe in

Breathe in Dhiirga Swasam (full yoga respiration technique) increase lung capacity so that process breathes to be optimaler. Respiration techniques in Pranayama also help to strengthen internal body organ, increase control emotion, and give sensation relaks that deepen.

  • Pattern eats balance

Pattern eats balance and will well increase immunity (power holds body, launch digestion natural process, increase well-being as a whole, and tranquilize mind.

  • Take a rest enough

Watch over rythm balance between work and will take defend body in a state of always prima from time to time. Will take in Savannah (corpse posture) having taken ste Asana increase pleasant taste and relaks in body, launch blood circulation, and return body condition in stable condition.

  • Think positive and Meditated

Practise Asana that espoused Pranayama and meditation will purify mind from mind and emotion negative, with increase self confidence taste. Meditation will guide mind to be more in step into self realization that be highest aim in practises yoga.


Relaksasi. although stress can not be called also as disease, effect stress very influence well-being final also can cause disease. practically, we not always avoid stress. try to recognize several things that can triggers stress and take step to overcome it. for example, when do we often felt stress because always do task or white-collar moment approach date time, try to regulate time-table so that can do job since far day.

relaksasi also feeled as one of the effective manner to overcomes stress. relaksasi useful to demote degree adrenalin, delay breath, tranquilize heart, demote blood pressure, decrease tension body muscle, and cause to return system body so that stronger moment face disease.

study manner relaks also very good for develop ability keeps he moment face difficulty. posed always relaks and calm will make us more will hold alive rein. and very good when relaksasi is not meant to melari self from problem, but to prepare to return body, idea, with way of thinking so that fresher and make provision against challenge in life. this will train self so that can efficienter moment face problem in other time for long time.

meditation teaches that human natural condition in a state of calm. all techniques in also aim to creat placidity. in fifth meditation principle, mentioned that, asana (meditation posture) be kind processes body mediatif, done according to slowly with escorted respiration Dhiirga Swasam. more in breath will influence heart tick will be slower and give pleasant taste and peaceful. besides, breath in also will see more many oxygens to brain that will give calm taste in idea.

several has effect that tranquilize with movement that depress direct gland adrenal, will stabilize production adrenalin to blood stream. posture that meant kind sits and buckling up at in front of. besides, balance posture gives placidity moment stand balance with one foot and quiet permanent, posture inverse give calm taste with channels blood stream to heart and brain, posture roll spinal column gives placidity with purify system nerve and cause the loss of strains in back and waist, posture restorative and savasana tranquilize by give time to take a rest in body. even, position stands and open that breast to increase strength and courage even also permanent give calm taste by strengthens heart, heat body, and give calm taste after it.

savasana be posture most liked in hatha meditation, even feeled sebagi one of [the] technique most give benefit in meditation. savasana done by the end of meditation session and body likes to composed to return information codes that accepted moment do asana. savasana very useful to poise to return left brain activity and right, launch blood stream, rejuvenate body, take outside endorphin, decrease strains, and of course give placidity.

regulate balance in pattern eats and life style everyday also play important role in creat placidity. in ayurveda said that found three unsure at universe, that is sattvic (pure), rajasic (tanggu), and tamasic (broken). in choose food-stuff, choose food that belong to in unsure sattvic, will bring idea, body, with way of thinking stays in condition sattvic (pure) also.

meditated to be one technique very effective to purify idea. the principle aware permanent in one points focus and doesn't cracking to another points so that self, idea, and points focus melt to grow into one, aim up at enlightenment and self realization.

meditation will be one complete system that will give placidity and pacification comprehensive. not only physical calm and relaks, idea, way of thinking, and spiritual also stay in condition relaks.

Yoga Histori

Yoga history comes from ancient indians culture since 3000 sm ago. Yoga or yuj in language sanskerta ancient mean union, unification between Atman (self) and Brahman (very authority). The kernel, will pass somebody yoga better will know the body, know the idea, and know the soul. More he knows entire self aspects that's so closer also he is with the the creator.

Allegorized, body a vehicle and idea as the driver. moment" drive" body, idea influenced by three things, that is emotion, mind, and fiction. So that permanent body can operate well, third matter that influence this idea must be watched over so that always in a state of balance.

With practise yoga, somebody likes vehicle owner that can to care and repair self when found damage so that he permanent stay in condition prima from time to time.

Yoga the living science because almost entire life aspects can to connection with him. Although aged thousands year, yoga is feeled permanent appropriate to practised by modern society in this time.

Since beginning the formation, there nine yoga current forms that accustommed with need yogi, that is:

1. jnana yoga (unification passes erudition science)

2. karma yoga (unification passes service social towards human fellow)

3. bhakti yoga (unification passes homage towards god)

4. yantra yoga (unification passes visual maker or field)

5. tantra yoga (unification passes energy generating chakra)

6. yoga supertitous formula (unification passes voice and sound)

7. kundalini yoga (unification passes energy generating kundalini, the coiling serpent chakra base)

8. hatha yoga (unification passes body mastery and breath)

9. yoga king (unification passes idea mastery and way of thinking)

At most practised in this time, especially at world west, hatha yoga. Hatha yoga fokus in technique Asana (posture) Pranayama (process breath), Bandha (kuncian), Mudra (gesture), with relaksasi that deepen.

Assorted movement that espoused manner breathes trusted true can increase strength and flexibility, decrease tension, with give new energy in body.

Besides, found also four yoga currents that assumed biggest because has values scientific and universal, that is:

1. jnana yoga (yoga erudition science)

2. karma yoga (yoga service towards sesame human)

3. yoga king (yoga idea mastery and way of thinking)

4. bhakti yoga (yoga homage towards god)

The kernel, besides practise hatha yoga, very suggested to do fourth this current, will increase quality and benefit praktik our yoga is according to comprehensive.

Yoga Guide

Asana or Yoga posture must be done with dress pleasant and spacious (doesn't get in the way breath and movement), without footwear, and better done above matras meditation (mate meditation), carpet, or wooden floor.

Matras sticky and counter slip best. discharge also decoration and contact lens. Empty stomach, wait approximately 3 clocks after eat heavy and 2 clocks after eat light before practise meditation. When not make possible to hold back to eat because very hungry, eat or drink light something that likes fruits, milk, or plain water. Do Yoga in a state of clean body and fresh (very good done after bathe).

follow there are some your matter does when practise Yoga

Ø Discharge strains

If you felt tense, sit or lie down a moment to release strains in body and idea before practise. mental stress and emotion will influence body. sit or lie down and do pranayama (process breath). do softly and slow, focus gives stomach movement and breast, also in sensation that pass by hole moment breathe.

Ø Respect your body

Don't force upon body spanns too far to achieve posture" ideal" desirable, especially when are you new begin to practise. always correspond to body condition each so that aim to get body that well and strong reached.

If feel body strains increases, mean you too force body. body will give" signal" to stretch farther moment he ready. do asana feelingly sweet menycomfort, limit between pleasant and not pleasant.

Ø Full cognizance

To get optimal benefit, try to always concentrate on organ middle move. harmonize between movement, soft breath and in, with idea. this conditon is movement form mediatif.

Ø Breathe true

Breathe slow, in, and regular use full meditation respiration technique (Dhiirga Swasam) along movement. moment breath begins narrow, stop and take a rest a moment, master breath. when has breath regular, new continue to return. don't forget, always aware breath.

Ø Strength and body flexibility will increase along with time

Body tranformation along with time and regular practice. don't force body to move to exceed the capacity. meditation not competition, even with your self is self. sometimes bent body and sometimes asa rather stiff and that is normal. enjoy every meditation session, every second it very valuable. meditation delight and rather than hard work. enjoy every sensation that appear.

Ø Kontinuitas

Kontinuitas will be successful key in will practise meditation because will deepen comprehension about how a technique and guarantee progress in practise meditation. will practise meditation regularly will stabilize expenditure hormone endorphin, will give calm taste and peace during longer and continual.

Ø Create atmosphere

Very good to practise meditation in morning, moment air stills asa fresh, and in evening time, a moment before or after sunset. second at the present time moment correct to practise meditation, moment energy spiritual present in highest points in one day.

Do Yoga and meditation in room and time same every the day, this will make idea will be easier centrally. place room practise must enough warm and good window. when like, you can twist soft music and light candle aromatherapy moment practise. To detect to like to what or kinds aromatherapy you can look for it to pass http: //thebest-aromatherapy. blogpsot. com

Ø Necessary payed

Practise Yoga can help to overcome not pleasant in body. But, when are you in medical treatment, please consult beforehand with doctor or medical expert before practises Yoga. there are some position and technique may not be done by people who being in certain condition. follow among others.

· Menstruation

Woman that menstruation is being being forbidden to do posture inverse or upside down or posture opens breast overweening. Attention focus in buckling posture up at in front of and posture restorative like Mudhasana (child position) and Sputa Baddha Konasana (butterfly position lies)

· Pregnancy

In trimester beginning pregnancy, all asana safe to done (with mother to be note in a condition body very good and never experience previous miscarriage). In trimester second, majority asana must be modified so that must not spann overweening and doesn't load stomach. suggested pregnant woman to follows special meditation program for pregnant woman.

· Ill taste and not pleasant

When feel ill taste meditation position having taken ste, consultation to teacher or meditation instructor. Experienced meditation teacher can give trick to do modification or variation lighter that accustommed with your condition.

Ø Heating

Heating very suggested to done before meditation session. This heating aims to increase muscle flexibility and hinge so that a movement easier will be done. Also will prevent body from risk dispute moment will practise.

in principle, heating will prepare entire hinges and body car, from head end up to tiptoe, so that more ready moment get emphasis more moment practise kernel.

do heating light, like:

1. upturned head up at on and under during several times

2. visit up at right and left during several times.

3. twist neck se clockwise, and contrary to clockwise.

4. tighten shoulder muscles and arm

5. twist shoulder.

6. move spinal column up at right and left.

7. stretch lutu, circle kai, and foot radius.

Do heating movement according to berlahan while breathe regular. Sometimes, moment we are very busy and has only a little time to practise meditation, do heating movement last for stretch muscles and release strains.
